Toll Free Numbers

Signing up for a toll free number will have an impression on your business and give you the national big business image that a growing company craves.

Local Toll Free Numbers

We provide Toll Free numbers in USA, UK and Canada. Starting $5 /month for US and Canada and $15 /Month UK.

Enhance Your Visibility with Custom 800 Numbers

Get a toll-free number that starts with 800, 855, 866, 877, or 888, and your customers will be able to call you or call back for free from anywhere in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, Guam, or the United States Virgin Islands.

Smooth Number Transfer

Seamlessly transfer your existing toll-free numbers to Uoomtel to reduce any downtime and quickly upgrade your current infrastructure.

Deliver Exceptional Service

Route calls to your smartphone or VoIP number from 65 countries at any time even if you are travelling so that you never miss a call.